A denominational prince?

Photo credit: Dr. Jerry Vines

Audio credit: SWBTS Libraries (reproduced with permission)

And never forget these unrelated links that we re-read tonight. And some pictures along the way:


And remember who the EC Chairman was?

And remember when the Preaching Coach weighed in too?

And remember when he was appointed to THAT resolutions committee:

And remember WHO put him on the committee?

More to come?

Pressler’s latest victim?

“Poor Mohler. He’s debasing himself by throwing a long-dead “enemy” under the proverbial bus. Chafin, who cannot speak for himself, much less defend himself, is his foil. That cheap shot should be beneath the dignity of an esteemed seminary president/denominational statesman. But Pressler’s pull on Mohler has sucked him down to gutter fighting with a dead guy.” — Marv Knox

Closet conservatism?

“Mohler was always considered a closet conservative.”
“I don’t know where the Al Mohler of today came from.”

The entire transcript can be read here:

The audio recordings can be accessed here:

Missing Mohler

Edward John Stetzer, Dean
Talbot School of Theology

2003 Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
1994 M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
1998-2001., SBTS Assistant Professor of Missions and Church Planting

Congratulations, Ed. Sorry RAMJr couldn’t be there to help celebrate this achievement by one of his first graduates of both the M.Div., and Ph.D., a former SBTS faculty member and one of his earliest hires, and a longtime ministry partner. Good to see Matt’s doing well. Tell him hi for us.