SWBTS “Mrs.” Degree, Pt. 1.

For the next few weeks, we at Baptist Blogger hope to provide some remedial homemaking assistance to the fine young ladies who are soon to flood the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  It is our prayer that these ladies will benefit from the lessons.  Today’s lesson: “How to Thread a Kenmore Vintage Sewing Machine.”

9 thoughts on “SWBTS “Mrs.” Degree, Pt. 1.

  1. While I confess that it’s a little (ok, maybe more than a little) weird that SWBTS is offering these classes, I’m uncomfortable and maybe even a little offended at mocking the calling of homemaking. In a culture which devalues children and downplays the importance of traditional families, it would seem that any attempt at help would be praised. My highly intelligent (4.0 undergrad gpa) and educated wife has chosen to stay home and focus her gifts and energies on our children. When we first married, she could barely cook and hospitality was demonstrated by “going out to eat” with someone. As we got closer to starting a family and her focus began to shift from following a career path to preparing for motherhood, she began to study (yeah, there are books on this stuff) and seek counsel on how to be a better homemaker. In the past 13 years, she has become a model for other young women in our church. My observation is that many young people (women and MEN) need help in this area, because they have not been taught by previous generations. Don’t pass me off as a Patterson apologist, because I’m far from it, but don’t mock an honorable and biblical calling, or those young women who are following the Lord’s leading down this path.

  2. Okay… as a female who was once considering Southwestern, I am very thankful I am not going there now. While I am not mocking the calling of homemaking, I do think it is hilarious that women would pay hundreds of dollars to get a homemaking degree in SEMINARY… who has the time or the money???? just start a cooking club and swap recipes. Now every woman who goes to Southwestern will be asked if she is there to get her degree in Homemaking… well, glad I chose not to go there in the fall.

  3. my wife makes an incredible point – if this is the course of action Southern Baptist churches are going to take then the SB churches NEED to provide financial support for their husbands in order for them to “afford” a stay at home wife/mother and children.

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